Today at CYCHeadlines From the Clubhouse

Keep Lake Washington Sailing and Racing Accessible – Action Needed!

The CYC Commodores are asking your help on an issue that could change the Seattle sailing environment dramatically. 
The Leschi moorage facility (and another moorage facility to the South at Lakewood) is owned by the City of Seattle and has experienced dramatic deterioration over the past several years. Without major changes to its operations and maintenance, the facilities at Leschi will be condemned and closed.  City Council has been negotiating a public-private contract with Marina Management LLC (a subsidiary of the Elliott Bay Marina management company) to renovate, maintain and manage the marinas for future generations. These facilities require a significant capital investment and cannot be kept afloat with a “one board at a time” maintenance approach.The City Council is scheduled to vote on the contract on July 20. The Council needs to hear from you to encourage a vote to approve the contract.
Please contact City Council Representatives this week to support the marina contract and speed of action. Let’s get this long-delayed project started.  It is always best to send a personal note, but you may use this link to grab a sample letter and email address.

