May 25-27: Memorial Day Weekend South Sound Cruise
Please join us on our cruise to the waters surrounding Fox Island with a raft up on Saturday, May 25, and Sunday, May 26. Tides at the Tacoma Narrows favor southbound late Saturday afternoon passage with a Monday morning return.
Rendezvous at the protected anchorage in Tanglewood Bay on the north-central side of Fox Island just south of the bridge. Shore access at Paul Baker’s undeveloped family property for beach party, walking, dogs, wild children, and local store.
Plan for two nights of Beach Barbeque Pot-Luck! Summer Holiday Style! Think grilling, potato salad, jello salad (or any other salad), bonfire, hand cranked ice cream, watermelon, more!!! Bring your tastiest or most outrageous dish! Bring stories and songs!
Think a day sail to Cutts Island, Penrose Point (clamming?) or . . . !
Think kayaks and dinghies – explore by sail or ash breeze! (There will be adequate ferrying capacity for people without small craft.)
Think reading quietly on the hook. Let those pesky young pirates go raiding elsewhere!
Sunday’s itinerary to be decided then & there.
Group travel (if desired): there are different sub-groups, check with the cruise coordinator to see what appeals.
Info/Contact/Sign Up:
Hans Reinhardt or 206-890-8256