November 19: Annual Membership Meeting
Monday, November 19, 2013
Social Time: 6:00 PM
Meeting: 6:45 PM
Please attend the Club’s 2013 Annual Membership Meeting on Monday, November 18, 2013. We will:
- Elect Club officers for 2014 and three directors for two-year terms ending in 2015
- Consider a change to the Bylaws relating to the Associate membership category.
- Have a financial presentation, a brief review of the 2013 accomplishments and a discussion of the plans for 2014.
We hope that you can attend the Annual Meeting and provide your suggestions and thoughts about making CYC successful. And we look forward to working with all of you as CYC continues an active role in the sailing community.
The Nominations and Elections Committee has nominated candidates for each officer and Board position. [ Learn more about the nominees. ]
Officer Candidates |
Directors (Two-Year Term) |
Continuing Directors: Michele Rogalin, Kirk Utter, and Derek DeCouteau. Current Commodore Bruce Van Deventer becomes Junior Staff Commodore and a member of the Board.
Under the CYC bylaws, additional nominees may be made by a letter signed by 10 voting members and received by the Club (by mail, hand delivery or electronically) no later than by November 8, 2013. Nominations for Board positions may also be made from the floor at the General Meeting.
If you cannot attend the meeting, please complete the ballot you received in the mail and either deliver or mail it to the CYC by November 18, 2013. If you need a replacement ballot, please contact the CYC Office.
We will be considering a change to the Bylaws related to the Associate membership category. Please review the discussion on this important issue in the material below.