Proposed Changes to Large Boat Sailing Instructions for 2000

Hello, the Sound Fleet Council for large boats is looking for some input for the year 2000. We as the Council meet every first Monday of the month at 6:30 P.M.. We encourage anyone who wishes to express ideas on developing or improving the racing in the sound to come to these meetings.

Proposed changes to the 2000 Sailing Instructions for Sound Large Boats are as follows:
  1. Use Time on Distance and not Time on Time exclusively for Center Sound Series, PSSC, and PSSR.
  2. Use 3 minute starting sequences on Wednesday night races. With the large number of one design and PHRF classes this will allow for more racing.
  3. Start Wednesday night racing at 6:30 P.M. for all four series.
  4. REQUIRE LIFE JACKETS to be warn by all competitors in all Center Sound Series races and weekend series or regattas during the winter months.
  5. Cancel the Women's Keelboat regatta.
  6. Cancel the fall large boat weekend series, and condense the Windjammer series (Jan 2001) into a one day regatta.

    Both of these series have not been attended well for several years.

If you want to make comments on any of these changes, please do so by email or regular mail, to "Attention Race Book Changes". Let us know if you are a senior, associate or not a member in the comments. We will need your replies quickly so we can make a final decision and get them published in the CYC Race Book for 2000.

Sound Fleet Council - Large Boat

Gary Stuntz