Memorial Weekend Cruise and Parrot fest
May 25 - 28, 2001

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Gig Harbor Raft
We met Friday night at Gig Harbor. Saturday morning was sunny. Here are Abeona, Second Wind, Outlaw, and Last Vamose.

Saturday we sailed to Longbranch. Capt. Tabby is good at keeping a compass course, but the trimers have to be careful, as she can't handle much weather helm

Captain Tabby
Tabby's treat
After a hard day's sail, Tabby deserves a snack.

Tabby's friend Albert came along too. Have some beer, Albert.

Later that afternoon several more boats arrived at Longbranch. There were two rafts with a total of about eight boats. Two dogs, two parrots, along with associated human sailors. No more pictures though.