Fourth of July cruise
July 3 - 7, 2002

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Wednesday we sailed to Liberty Bay. Cooper, the large black 'fraidy cat did not like cruising. Lying still at anchor was ok

The fireworks at Poulsbo were great, as usual

More fireworks

Lots of fireworks

The fireworks really were pretty. The night was warmish and not raining much, too.

Thursday we went to Gig harbor for dinghy races and dinner. Before dinner, we hung out on the Isaak's beautiful power boat, 'Whirlwind'

The girls enjoyed the top of the boat.

Three Shermans and a Weiler

The awards ceremony was at dinner. Nick got a Yo-yo for his paddling.

Jamie and Clair also won a prize for rowing.

Eating dinner outside, we had a nice view of the sunset against Mt. Rainier.

Here are the boys rowing Lucidity's dinghy at Blake Island. Now, this is a motorized dinghy, so why are they rowing?