CYC Board Focuses on the Future

January, 2009

By Lisa Winterhalter

The first board meeting of the new year was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Monday Jan 12. With the new year already upon us and Center Sound Series rapidly approaching, the focus was mainly on the future. The board would like to alert members and guests to the following:

Some upcoming events and announcements:

The yearly Awards Ceremony takes place on Friday, January 30. Come celebrate your, or your friends', achievements.

Corinthian's Open House happens on Saturday, February 21 from 11am until 5pm. Please come by to welcome prospective new members or bring a few of your own. Initiation fees will be discounted for those that sign up at the Open House.

The Shilshole Clubhouse is available to rent for your events. Contact our club manager Brian Miller for rates and availabilities.

Friday Nights in February are shaping up. With a number of interesting speakers and an open bar, this is a great way to spend a Friday evening with your friends, family and crew. Doors and bar open at 6:30.

There are also many volunteer opportunities:

As always, CYC needs volunteers to help. We need Event Coordinators for upcoming regattas. The event coordinator helps with the trophies and swag, sends notices to the local sailing magazines. We have all the necessary contacts and help is available. It's not as hard as you'd think and we need your help.

We are looking for a bulletin board in a weather proof case to place at Leschi. If any member has such an item that they'd be willing to donate, or is able to build this case, please contact the Club.

Work parties for the whalers, RC boats, Clubhouse and general tasks will be organized and as always we need people willing to donate a few hours of their time. Keep an eye on the website for opportunities and be sure to sign up to help out. Contact the Club, Jerry Diercks (Race Captain) or Lisa Winterhalter (Director, Facilities)

The NOOD will be returning to Seattle this May. We need help with scoring, organization and shore support. Please consider helping out or getting your non racing friends and family involved in this regatta. Contact the Club, or Steve Travis

And….RACING begins!

First up is the Windjammer Regatta on two weekends in February. This one is fun and a good way to shake off the cobwebs.

Coming fast on it's heels is Center Sound Series which begins in March. This year we are adding a cruising class course, complete with it's own start and shorter course using fixed marks. If you know someone new to racing or who wants to get into racing, please get them involved in this. And, no, if you've raced with CYC in the past, you can't sign up for the cruising class.

It's a new year, so get involved to help CYC continue to provide the quality racing and cruising programs we all have come to expect. It doesn't happen alone.