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Clubhouse Improvements: New Chairs Purchased, Library Planned

October, 2010

By Lydia Volberding
CYC Board Secretary

Have you noticed the new chairs upstairs at CYC? If you haven't it's because they look like they were custom made for our space.

Thanks to member Mary Thornton, we were able to get these surplus chairs from her company at a fraction of the cost of new ones.

New chairs

The new chairs

These blue and aqua colored chairs will make the club more appealing to people who are looking at renting the room for a special occasion such as a party or reception. The chairs are very sturdy and can be stacked together when not in use.

The older bar style wooden chairs have been moved to the downstairs area of CYC, where they will be still enjoyed on occasions calling for additional seating.

Speaking of club improvements, we would like to resurrect the library of sailing related books that used to reside at our Leschi clubhouse; to that end, we are looking for a tall bookshelf for a reading nook downstairs at CYC.

If anyone has one that they are not using and are willing to donate to the club, please call the office and let Joel or Vicky know.

At our special membership meeting in September, a couple of people suggested that we need to make the clubhouse more family friendly. We would welcome any ideas that you have in this regard; is there someone who would like to volunteer to take on this task? We'd love to hear from you!