Interested in a Crew Position?

Sign up on CYC's private crew list. The data you submit will be available to CYC members only, who have a password to access the crew list. Crew signups will expire in about two months. To remove yourself from the crew list, email the web manager.

Crew submission
You must fill in the contact information.
Give as much information about your experience and interest as you can.

CYC Member   Non-Member
Your name:
e-mail address:
Where do you want to sail?  
What do you want to sail?  
Your physical characteristics    weight:  

Summarize your sailing and racing experience

What kind of racing are you looking for? Do you want to learn, to win, to be part of a team that has fun? Do you want to have some particular position (or to avoid one)?

After hitting Review, wait for a response.

After a successful submission, you will get a copy of what you submitted for proofreading. You can modify it, or you can post it. If you don't get any response, try again.