Cruising 2001

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Starting with February 2001

Fridays In February with guest speakers at Shilshole
The bar will be open at 6:30 and the program will start at 7:00

February 2nd
Vessel Traffic Service

VTS, Do you know what this is? How can it help you? What is Rule 10 and the TSS? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, this is your night to find out. A representative for the USCG VTS program can answer these questions and many more.

February 9th
The Endeavour: A replica of Capt James Cook’s sailing ship

Lee Ehrheart, a wooden & fiberglass boat specialist from Havorn Marine Services will discuss the Endeavour. The Endeavour is a 110 foot replica of Capt James Cook’s sailing ship for the 1760’s. The new Endeavour was launched in Australia in the mid 1990’s and she just completed a four-year circumnavigation. She was in the Pacific Northwest 1999 August and September and dry-docked in Victoria BC for keel repairs. Lee had the opportunity of being one of the shipwrights on board and worked as a rigger aloft for a week sailing from Port Townsend to Victoria to Gig Harbor. The one hour slide show will cover the history and sailing of a large square-rigger and the crew that sailed it.

Febuary 16th
Pacific Rescue

The story of the largest sea rescue in the South Pacific. June 1994 a rogue storm hits the South Pacific and rages for 3 grueling days, bringing terror, destruction and tragedy in its path. Forty vessels and aircraft will become involved. 21 people will rescued from the sea. A family of 3 will be lost. Join us for this tremendous documentary of those who survived and the heroism of those who took part in the "Pacific Rescue". This 90 minute film was a 1st Place Award Winner at the International Film and Video Festival.

February 23rd
Dick Marshall "Around Again"

This is Dick Marshal’s circumnavigation of Vancouver Island, first in 1971 and again in 2000. Vancouver Island is the largest island on North America’s west coast. Just under 300 miles long, it has more than 2000 miles of coastline. Share a month’s cruise with Dick and his family and learn of the secret coves and how to avoid the siege of the relentless North Pacific. Dick’s slide shows are famous. This is one program not to be missed.

March 17-18th

St. Paddy's Day Cruise to Blake Island for a progressive dinner. Contact Suzanne to coordinate your potluck contribution. Volunteer to help clean up Blake Island and do our community good services (pending park approval; alternate destination is Pt. Orchard). 

April 28-29th

Come join CYC at Kingston for the annual Pizza Cruise. Click for more info and to RSVP. Kingston is a fun stop and there is plenty to keep you busy. We will all meet later at the pizza parlor for dinner, stories and fun!

May 25th -28th Memorial Weekend

Some photos

Leave on Friday night and meet in Gig Harbor. Dancing at the Tides Tavern, anyone? Saturday it is off to Longbranch, a cozy little nook in South Sound. Often the local grange hall puts on a BBQ and dance (tickets available on shore but are limited). Don't forget there is usually a dingy parade so join in the fun and bring out your adventuresome spirit. Sunday, its over to Penrose point either through the fox island cut, or if the wind is permitting sail around the island and take the long way. Penrose state park is lots of fun for easy day day hikes or beach combing for sand dollars. There is plenty of anchorage and maybe a park buoy or two and good sailing in the passage.

June - TBA

July 3-4th

Join us for the traditional July 3rd in Poulsbo. July 3rd is on a Tuesday, so sail on over after work and hook up with some of the folks already on the hook. Watch the spectacular fireworks display and sail back to Seattle on the 4th. This is always a CYC favorite.

August 11-12th

It is the traditional Commodore Gibson Race to Pt. Ludlow. Will have a pot-luck BBQ in the park afterwards and breakfast in the morning to start the race off back to Seattle. This is sure to bring out the racing spirit in all of us.


9:00 Saturday
Skipper's meeting in the Shilshole Clubhouse
Start in front of the breakwater. Reverse handicap start - slow boats start first
Potluck at the Port Ludlow Marina
8:00 - 10:00 Sunday
Shoreside breakfast potluck
11am (approx)
Reverse start for sail/race home

Please call the Port Ludlow Marina at (360) 437-0513 to reserve your slip. Tell them you are with CYC. Some slips are already reserved under CYC.

If you are planning to race, contact Suzanne with your PHRF rating by Aug. 8th so she can put together a start order. This will be a reverse start and you will need to record your finish position or time.

If you don't have a PHRF rating, Suzanne will help find one for you.

Awards are presented for more than just winning. If you've never been to this party before, 2001 is the year to come and experience one of the most fun (and sometimes outrageous) events at CYC.

September 1-3rd

Labor day comes early this year but not without a trip to Mystery Bay! Wind your way to the back of the bay. The little store on shore has fresh oysters by sack to put on the grill. Next we're off to Hood Head, a great spot to do some beaching combing and maybe a little crabbing.

The plan is to rendezvous on Saturday at Mystery Bay, and then cruise down to the Hood Canal Spit on Sunday. If you are returning from the San Juans, look for the CYC burgees and join the gang.

October 20-21st

It’s Octoberfest in Poulsbo again. Everyone likes to come and sample beers and critique the brewery bottles, labels and beer. Join us for lots of fun.

This year we will be sampling International Beers and some micro brews too. For those of you that prefer the Wine category there will be something for you as well. Weather permitting a dockside pot luck. Bring your favorite sausages and side dish and enjoy the afternoon at Poulsbo.

Reminder that Poulsbo is first come first serve, or you can reserve your own slip for $5 non-refundable (will NOT apply to moorage fee) directly with the port of Poulsbo.

November 17th

Mark your calendars for the annual Cruise Dinner. This year we the opportunity to enjoy the Seattle waterfront at Anthony's Pier 66. Get your Holiday list and spend the day downtown shopping and then meet at Anthony's for a night of delectable cuisine. Come by boat and stay at the beautiful Port of Seattle Pier 66, or drive and park at the Bell St. parking garage (validation at the restaurant). Reservations for 6:30, hope to see many of you there.

Reservations Required! We have limited seating available, so sign up early! Please contact Suzanne at 206-781-1303 or by email

December 20th

Christmas comes to CYC, the cruising club will put on the party, just join us for the festivities.

December 31 - January 1th

The newly planned New Year's Eve Cruise to Port Madison