CYC of Seattle Guest Moorage

After several years, the Port of Seattle has completed the Shilshole Bay Marina renovation. Shilshole Bay Marina's exceptional new accommodations provide year-round secure moorage for guest boats, with protected berths, wide fairways and floating concrete docks fully equipped with all the conveniences. On arrival at the marina, please call marina office VHF 17, 206-728-3006, or 206-601-4089 for assignment. For details, see the Marina Website .

CYC Seattle does not take reciprocal reservations. CYC Seattle will reimburse visiting members of yacht clubs exchanging reciprocal privileges for up to two nights' moorage per quarter, limited to two per night on a first come, first served basis, if they go by the marina office, pick up a reciprocal moorage form, and submit it to our CYC office. If you have any questions please contact the CYC Club Manager at 206-789-1919 or e-mail at Shilshole Bay Marina Office is open M-F 8:00 to 4:30 PM and Saturday from 8:00 to 1:00 PM. Office phone number is (206) 728-3006.

Visiting members of reciprocal clubs are invited to join into CYC activities which generally take place following races and at other times as indicated on the calendar of events.

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