Five From CYC Attend U.S. Sailing Summit
The U.S. Sailing Yacht club summit April 2-3 in Chicago had over 365 attendees from over 185 yacht clubs. The summit covered a number of ideas to increase participation and membership in yacht clubs and sailing. Two full days of seminars and breakout sessions covered many aspects of yacht club activities and provided information on how other yacht clubs are doing to increase membership and race participation.
CYC had five members at the Yacht Club summit: Leslie Keller, Treasurer of US Sailing, Board members Bob Ross and Brian Watkins, Vice Commodore Ken Johnson and Commodore Wayne Balsiger. All traveled and attended at their own expense.
US Sailing will soon be posting much of the presentations and notes on line.
Sessions included communications, information technology, collaborations with community and clubs, financial stability, regatta management, yacht club branding /image, National Sailing Hall of Fame, junior programs. On Saturday night, we were entertained by Ted Turner, a sharp wit as ever.
On Sunday topics included increasing race participation, club owned fleets, insurance, recruiting, volunteers and staff, governance. Between sessions we were able to meet people and gain additional information.
A few of the ideas presented: put long range plan on paper, build club pride, communications, and one idea on preserving history is to sit and video tape member’s recollections of past events.
Membership development includes knowing who we are, what CYC is, signature sailing events, and perpetuation of the club for future members. Several sessions had good roadmaps and questions to ask to help determine the way forward for the club. This included what some clubs are doing to increase membership.
These include more social events for members, including those geared for current members and younger adult, members or potential members. A number of clubs are adding club owned boats especially keel boats to attract young adults.
There are several primary issues we are interested in: growing membership, especially young adults age 22-35, junior programs, club boats and increasing participation and pride in CYC. Better alignment of dues and race fees. Review initiation fees. Raise additional funds for the junior and young adults programs to finish buying boats. We have started the fleet with optis, but have not purchased any 420’s yet, or a rib for instructors. Increasing volunteers, we need volunteers to help us carry out these.
This is just a brief list of what we learned. The Long Range planning committee and finance committees are meeting to determine plans for the club. We want to keep you informed. Let me know your thoughts
Article by Wayne Balsiger, CYC Commodore