Category: Lake Washington Programs
Awards Ceremony Celebrates Outstanding 2013 Performances
In a crowded Clubhouse on Friday, January 17, 2014, the winners of the Club’s awards for 2013 performances were announced in a moving ceremony by Commodore Brian Watkins, Junior Staff Commodore Bruce Van Deventer and other Club leaders. As they noted, being nominated for an Award is the great honor, and with such outstanding nominees, [ MORE ]
Club Seeks Volunteer Whaler Drivers
Corinthian Yacht Club is looking for members to volunteer as whaler drivers. Our Boston Whalers are used for mark setting and retrieval along with safety boat operations, and volunteers are needed for both Puget Sound and Lake Washington events. It’s a fun, exciting, and rewarding way to serve your fellow sailors. We will be providing [ MORE ]
Board Focuses on Member Benefits at January Meeting
The first CYC Board Meeting under Commodore Wayne Balsiger was held on January 17, 2011. Highlights from the long meeting, which centered on different ways to provide benefits to members and increase membership and race participation, included: FINANCIAL Treasurer Remmert Wolters cautioned the Board that, despite some changes already, it must continue to stay on [ MORE ]
Starting a Junior Instructional Program was the First Priority of 2010
This is my good-bye “From the Helm.” I have had an interesting year as Commodore. I am honored to have been able to serve. I came into 2010 convinced that CYC needed to reach out to other organizations, to make an earnest and real effort to find a long range Leschi solution, to make new [ MORE ]
The Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle is sponsoring a US SAILING Advanced Race Management Seminar on Saturday and Sunday, February 26 – 27, 2011. This seminar is for experienced race officers who would like to refresh and increase their knowledge of such topics as: organizing an event, writing the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions, [ MORE ]