Today at CYCHeadlines From the Clubhouse

Category: Membership

CYC Board Proposes Major Changes in Bylaws; Dues Would Drop for Most, and Membership Categories would be Simplified

The CYC Board of Directors will ask members at the Annual Meeting on Nov 28 to approve broad changes in the club’s bylaws to attract new members and accommodate an increased “sense of community” deemed necessary for the club to survive. The changes would simplify membership categories and for most adult members would reduce dues [ MORE ]

Announcing First Fridays at CYC starting Nov 4!

One conclusion of the “restart” meetings of the membership is that club members need to be more involved in activities beyond racing, if the club is to remain viable.  We hope to revitalize social and educational events centered at the Shilshole clubhouse.  To this end we plan regular events on the first Friday of each [ MORE ]

Second ‘Restart CYC’ Meeting Sept. 19

Posted in: Membership, Today At CYC, Uncategorized ♦ Sunday, September 18th, 2011, 11:10 AM ♦ No Comments on Second ‘Restart CYC’ Meeting Sept. 19

The first club restart meeting was held as planned on Monday, September 12.  About 60 members took part in the conversation that covered the following agenda:  Snapshot (Mission, Membership, Activities, Assets, Operations, Financials), Focus Group (non-member women who love sailing), Ideas, Meeting Process.  The meeting was successful in conveying the seriousness and structural nature of [ MORE ]

An Exciting Time for CYC

This is an exciting time for CYC.  We have started buying the first set of boats for the junior program.  We are looking for another $10K before April 11 so we can purchase a total of 16 Opti’s. The racing season has started.  We had good winds for both the Windjammer series and the first [ MORE ]

CYC Board Approves Purchase of 12 Optis

CYC’s junior instructional program took a significant step forward on Monday, March 15, when the club board of directors approved the purchase of 12 Optimist dinghies for about $2,500 each. Junior Staff Commodore John Rahn, who has spearheaded establishment of the junior program, praised the board’s action as a decision that not only ensures that [ MORE ]
