Category: Uncategorized
CYC Board Proposes Major Changes in Bylaws; Dues Would Drop for Most, and Membership Categories would be Simplified
The CYC Board of Directors will ask members at the Annual Meeting on Nov 28 to approve broad changes in the club’s bylaws to attract new members and accommodate an increased “sense of community” deemed necessary for the club to survive. The changes would simplify membership categories and for most adult members would reduce dues [ MORE ]
Big Discounts on Shilshole Clubhouse Rentals
CYC is offering big discounts on rentals of the Shilshole Clubhouse for members and others who secure the facility for their holiday parties on or before Nov. 15. The discounts aim to spur an increase in use of the facility and help grow rental revenues for the club. Focusing on marketing the clubhouse for rentals, [ MORE ]
Meet the Candidates for CYC Leadership; Twelve Will Stand for Election at Annual Meeting
Ken Johnson, candidate for commodore, leads a slate of eleven who will be up for election at the club’s annual general meeting on Nov. 28. Under the club bylaws, nominations for officers are now closed, but members can make nominations for directors from the floor at the annual meeting. The candidate’s biographies: Commodore, Ken Johnson [ MORE ]
Flash Team Edged Out in Last Leg of U.S. Offshore Championship
By Josh May, Flash Bowman CYC member Steve Travis and his team from the One Design 48 Flash were selected this fall to take part in the US Sailing United States Offshore Championship. Each year US Sailing selects up to nine teams to compete in the three-day event based on an application process that takes into account [ MORE ]
Announcing First Fridays at CYC starting Nov 4!
One conclusion of the “restart” meetings of the membership is that club members need to be more involved in activities beyond racing, if the club is to remain viable. We hope to revitalize social and educational events centered at the Shilshole clubhouse. To this end we plan regular events on the first Friday of each [ MORE ]