Commodore Gibson Race/Cruise

August 28-29, 2021

These races have start times adjusted by handicap, so actual finish place is also handicapped finish

Saturday - Commodore Race

Sunny, Very light wind at Meadow Point, so the start was moved to Apple Cove Pt. By which tme the wind became Light to Gentle Northerly with a big hole near the W shore before Point no Point.
Moderate to Fresh Northerly between Pt no Pt and very near Foul Weather Bluff bouy, where there was another hole.

Start at Apple Cove Point, finish at Foul Weather Bluff

PlaceBoatTypeSkipperHandicapFinish time
Foul Weather Bluff
1CharlotteQuest 30 Al Johnson and Alec Rooke9613:51:42
2Those Guys J/35 Jenny Heins and Tim Huse7214:00:04
3OutlawJ/30 Cindy Gossett and Derek Storm   138 14:18:21
4BlurB 25Tom Perry   15014:35:59
5DulcineaJ/105  Danae and Tom Hollowed111 (NFS)14:47:03
6Sea GeekJenneau349  Fabio Chiussi15015:01:00
7Wind Dancer   Tartan 3800 Chris McMuldroch Richa B and Lisa A-L 138 15:05:00
(RET)Vinca   Saber 36 Joel Beckerman   123Retired
(RET)Puffin   Bavaria 38   Naomi Medley 108 Retired
(RET)Gratitude   Hansee 415 David and Karen Barnes    117Retired
(RET)Lolo   J/37  David Huntsman 90 Retired
(RET)Maggie May Islander 28Jack Connick213 Retired

Sunday - Gibson Race

Sunny, Moderate to Fresh NNE wind between Foul Weather Bluff and Pt no Pt, then Gentle to Moderate NNE becoming light NE near Meadow Point.

Start at Foul Weather Bluff, finish at Meadow Point

Meadow Point
1CharlotteQuest 30 Al Johnson and Alec Rooke9614:29:31
2OutlawJ/30 Cindy Gossett and Derek Storm   138 14:43:49
3Second Son Young Sun 43 Andrew, Kate, Nat, and Anna Bereson18914:48:50
4Those Guys J/35 Jenny Heins and Tim Huse7215:05:05
5BlurB 25Tom Perry   15015:08:30
6Gratitude   Hansee 415 David and Karen Barnes    11715:11:36
7 Wind Dancer   Tartan 3800 Chris McMuldroch Richa B and Lisa A-L 138 15:23:27
8 Vinca   Saber 36 Joel Beckerman   12315:30:41
9Puffin   Bavaria 38   Naomi Medley 108 15:39:30
10 Sea GeekJenneau349  Fabio Chiussi15015:51:00
11 Lolo   J/37  David Huntsman 90 16:13:00
(RET)DulcineaJ/105  Danae and Tom Hollowed111 (NFS)Retired
(RET)Maggie May Islander 28Jack Connick213 Retired