Corinthian Yacht Club Rookie Rally - Introduction to Performance Sailing and Racing

Would you and your crew like to have one of the most experienced racing sailors in Puget Sound sail on your boat in a "simulated" racing seminar and give his/her opinion as to what would make your boat go faster? You can learn tips as to what you can do to improve your skippering skills and the skills of your crew.

Rookie Rally Schedule

Send your crew with the boat!!!!!!!!

Experienced skippers send their crew with the boat to the seminar to promote developing broader perspective on racing, encouraging their crew to register the boat themselves. It’s a safe environment for the crew to test their starting, driving and tactical skills. Expanding crew skills provides assets to any racing skipper. The seminar is not just for Rookies.

If you have been interested in the idea of racing your boat or crewing, but have been intimidated by the idea of getting started without guidance, this sailing Seminar is a great place to start. You and your crew can safely learn how to improve your boat handling skills and sailing performance under the guidance of experienced racers.

Are you interested in discussing the racing rules and how they affect your race? The Rookie Rally is a great opportunity to obtain classroom instruction, talk to racers, receive on the water coaching, and participate in mini races on Puget Sound. Learn about starting rules, tuning your boat, sail trim, rules and tactics from friendly coaches. Video taping will be done by CYC on the water then reviewed after sailing in the afternoon.

If you are a non-boat owner but would like to become more valuable and knowledgeable as a crewmember you may attend. It is not necessary to own a boat to participate. There will be sponsor boats available for those that need a boat to sail on.

Rookie Rally will be held May 13th and 14th with registration beginning at 0900 AM. The cost is $45.00 for CYC members and $65.00 for non-members. A current PHRF certificate is not required to participate. Each boat will be assigned a handicap rating at the Rally. The cost of entering the boat includes each crewmember that the boat sails with.

For more information or registration contact Mary White at 206-878-7615 evenings, or Email; or Corinthian Yacht Club 206-789-1919.