Today at CYCHeadlines From the Clubhouse

August 1: Experience Nepal

Posted in: Social & Educational Events ♦ Thursday, July 10th, 2014, 1:16 PM ♦ No Comments on August 1: Experience Nepal

Friday, August 1

Have you dreamed of expanding your cruising to terra firma? Have you hiked the Pacific Crest Trail or the Appalachian Trail and dreamed about Nepal? Then come to CYC Friday August 1st and let trek leader Pema Tshiri Sherpa show you the magic that is Nepal.

Through slides and video Pema will give you a glimpse of Nepal and its people. He will show you many different ways you can experience Nepal whether on a mountain climbing expedition, a remote wilderness trek, or as a purely cultural experience.
Pema has more than 15 years of experience in the Himalaya and he is the only trek leader who has personally walked every kilometer of the Great Himalaya Trail (GHT) – the highest feasible trekking route across Nepal. His staff is trained in ‘First Environmental’ trekking standards and he is passionate about conserving the mountain ecology.

