Today at CYCHeadlines From the Clubhouse

Category: Social & Educational Events

Jen Hobden, Talia Toland, Last Tango and Dieter Creitz Win Awards

A clubhouse filled with an enthusiastic crowd celebrated racing, cruising, and junior sailors of all stripes who experienced memorable sailing adventures in 2016.  The bartenders barely kept up with the demand, Chef Joni Platts produced another excellent low-cost dinner – all setting the stage for a fun-filled CYC Awards Party on Friday, January 20, celebrating [ MORE ]

2016 CYC Award Nominees Wanted

Posted in: Cruising, Racing, Social & Educational Events, Today At CYC ♦ Wednesday, October 26th, 2016, 11:23 AM ♦ No Comments on 2016 CYC Award Nominees Wanted

The 2016 racing season is coming to an end, and it is time to consider the 2016 CYC outstanding performers. The Board will consider all nominees and the Award winners will be announced in January 2017. If you have a nominee or suggestion for a 2016 CYC Award, please provide your suggestions (with a brief [ MORE ]

WELCOME to Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle

We are a group of sailors who do stuff with and for each other that we couldn’t do alone. We build a sense of community by working with each other to make fun things happen: racing on Lake Washington and Puget Sound; cruising with friends and learning the tricks of the lifestyle; getting our kids on [ MORE ]

Pease, Buchan, Toland, Tremendous Slouch Win Awards

A boisterous bursting clubhouse filled to (and perhaps past) capacity celebrated sailors of all stripes, Racing/Cruising/Juniors, who experienced exceptional adventures and performances.  Three bartenders barely keeping up with the demand, Chef Gordon producing another excellent low-cost dinner – all set the stage for a fun-filled CYC Awards Party on Friday, January 15, celebrating a multitude [ MORE ]

Social | Super Bowl Party

Posted in: Social & Educational Events ♦ Thursday, January 14th, 2016, 6:01 PM ♦ No Comments on Social | Super Bowl Party

Please join us at CYC to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 7, 2016,3:00pm. This will be a potluck event for food, but the bar will be open. Bring your favorite chili or wings recipe, or other snack food to share. Hope to see you there!
